Case #02 - Indian Spammers Exploit Thousands with Fake Norton Antivirus Refund Scam via Google Forms


The rise of digital technology has brought convenience and connectivity to the forefront of our lives. However, it has also paved the way for cybercriminals to exploit unsuspecting individuals for their personal information. One such disturbing instance involves Indian spammers who have ingeniously devised a scam centered around fake Norton antivirus refunds. These malicious actors have managed to trick over 7000 users into providing sensitive personal information through deceptive Google Forms, jeopardizing their privacy and security.

The Scam Unveiled

In this intricate scam, fraudsters impersonating Norton antivirus representatives create fraudulent Google Forms claiming to offer refunds for users who have allegedly purchased the software. The forms are meticulously designed to resemble official Norton communication, complete with logos and branding, making it challenging for unsuspecting victims to discern the scam.

How the Scam Operates

The scammers employ a two-pronged approach to ensnare their targets:

  1. Tempting Refund Offer: The scammers craft enticing messages and emails that inform users about a supposed refund for their Norton antivirus purchase. The message informs them that they are eligible for a refund due to a billing error or other fabricated reasons. The victim is then directed to a Google Form to provide their details for the refund process.

  2. Data Harvesting: The Google Form is a cleverly designed trap that prompts users to provide sensitive personal information such as their full name, phone number, exact location, and even their banking details. In the guise of processing the refund, the scammers exploit victims' naivety to extract private data that can be used for various fraudulent activities, including identity theft, phishing, and unauthorized financial transactions.

Screenshot from the Scamming Form

The Alarming Consequences

The consequences of falling victim to such scams are severe and far-reaching:

  1. Identity Theft: With access to sensitive information, scammers can impersonate victims to conduct illegal activities, open fraudulent accounts, and wreak havoc on victims' financial lives.

  2. Financial Loss: Armed with banking information, scammers can make unauthorized transactions, leaving victims to deal with significant financial losses and the arduous process of recovering their funds.

  3. Privacy Breach: The divulgence of personal information can lead to an invasion of privacy, causing distress and long-term consequences for victims.

  4. Targeted Attacks: Scammers can use the collected data to launch more targeted phishing attacks, luring victims into revealing more confidential information.

Prevention and Action

To avoid falling victim to such scams, users are advised to take the following precautions:

  1. Verify the Source: Always double-check the authenticity of messages, emails, or forms before providing any personal information. Reach out to official customer service channels to verify refund claims.

  2. Educate Yourself: Stay informed about common scam tactics and the latest cyber threats to recognize suspicious communications.

  3. Secure Communication: Ensure your communication channels are encrypted and secure to protect your personal information from prying eyes.

  4. Report Suspicious Activity: If you encounter any suspicious messages, emails, or forms, report them to the relevant authorities and platforms.


The surge in online connectivity has brought with it a corresponding increase in cybercrime, with scammers exploiting unsuspecting individuals for their personal information. The Indian spammers who have orchestrated the fake Norton antivirus refund scam are a stark reminder of the need to remain vigilant in the digital landscape. By staying informed, practicing cautious behavior, and reporting suspicious activity, we can collectively thwart the efforts of cybercriminals and protect ourselves from falling victim to such elaborate scams.

Last updated