Based on Learning about Vulnerabilities
“Being a hacker is lots of fun, but it’s a kind of fun that takes lots of effort. The effort takes motivation.”
Last updated
“Being a hacker is lots of fun, but it’s a kind of fun that takes lots of effort. The effort takes motivation.”
Last updated
Now let’s start with the basic learning about InfoSec the first and really most important step would be to choose a proper initial path that you are going to start learning. Choosing the right path to start in Bug Bounty is very important. It totally depends upon your interest, like some people choose Web Application path first coz it’s easy to learn and go through than mobile and others… (Some of the resources are moved here from my old blog that’s I’m going to remove but these are updated and properly arranged by my experience) I’ll focus on Web, & Mobile Here coz this is what my interest is.
Before I add anything else I’ll suggest You to actually go through Hacker101 By HackerOne And Bugcrowd University Both of these contain a Huge list of resources and lectures that can help you in even a better way than many of us can’t but as you guys are following this as well so I decided to add them here also.
Before I Suggest you what to Learn first if you follow my suggested path l’ll like to tell you some ways you can practice your skills..
CTF(Capture The Flag): Now to practice for Bug Bounties you can participate in CTF challenges. Just like the name suggests “Capture The Flag” there are several challenges for you to solve which deals with real-world vulnerabilities. The more you practice on these challenges the more you will learn about the different technologies required to break into an application or a system.
For Web App, I’ll suggest you guys read the following books & guides first > > > > > >
Reading these books you will get good knowledge about Web App Penetration testing & Security testing in general and in-depth. In addition to these books, I’ll suggest you guys should really give good time reading and understanding OWASP Testing Guide & OWASP Top 10 Vulnerabilities from 2010-2017 OWASP Testing project: >
OWASP Top 10 Project: > > >
Adding a Few basic Pdfs for you guys to go through and save locally to you can keep it revised and keep learning from them. I’ll say they gonna help you almost a hundred percent of the time. So do give these a good time > Kali Linux Revealed > Nmap Cheat Sheet > Metasploit Cheat Sheet:
Now by this point, I’ll say You have done Good enough research and given good time to practice and learn that you can jump into a Bug Bounty Program to test in real-life environment outside CTF, or test environments. So you can happily jump to the pages at
PentesterLab There’s only one way to properly learn web penetration testing: by getting your hands dirty. PentesterLab teaches how to manually find and exploit vulnerabilities and is a good resource to learn and practice all at once.
Pentester Academy
Another Great resource to practice using online labs and learn, they also provide certifications.
And Select a Program But I’ll suggest you read till the end.
Following all of them books, testing guides you might have an idea of vulnerabilities so i’ll name a few common ones and try to give good reference to learn them easily.
Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) is an attack that forces an end user to execute unwanted actions on a web application in which they’re currently authenticated. References to read: > > > Some POCs:
CSRF Account Takeover famebit by Hassan Khan
Hacking PayPal Accounts with one click (Patched) by Yasser Ali
Add tweet to collection CSRF by vijay kumar
How i Hacked your Beats account ? Apple Bug Bounty by @aaditya_purani
CSRF Account Takeover by Vulnerables
Uber CSRF Account Takeover by Ron Chan
XSS enables attackers to inject client-side scripts into web pages viewed by other users.
References to read: > > > Some POCs:
How I found a $5,000 Google Maps XSS (by fiddling with Protobuf) by Marin MoulinierFollow
XSS in Uber via Cookie by zhchbin
XSS in TinyMCE 2.4.0 by Jelmer de Hen
Twitter XSS by stopping redirection and javascript scheme by Sergey Bobrov
Flash XSS mega nz – by frans
Flash XSS in multiple libraries – by Olivier Beg
xss in Yahoo Mail Again, worth $10000 by Klikki Oy
Sleeping XSS in Google by securityguard
Decoding a .htpasswd to earn a payload of money by securityguard
Sleeping stored Google XSS Awakens a $5000 Bounty by Patrik Fehrenbach
RPO that lead to information leakage in Google by filedescriptor
God-like XSS, Log-in, Log-out, Log-in in Uber by Jack Whitton
Three Stored XSS in Facebook by Nirgoldshlager
Using a Braun Shaver to Bypass XSS Audit and WAF by Frans Rosen
An XSS on Facebook via PNGs & Wonky Content Types by Jack Whitton
he is able to make stored XSS from a irrelevant domain to main facebook domain
Stored XSS in * by Jack Whitton
Complicated, Best Report of Google XSS by Ramzes
Command Injection in Google Console by Venkat S
Facebook’s Moves – OAuth XSS by PAULOS YIBELO
Stored XSS in Google Docs (Bug Bounty) by Harry M Gertos
Stored XSS on via admin account compromise in Uber by James Kettle (albinowax)
Yahoo Mail stored XSS by Klikki Oy
Abusing XSS Filter: One ^ leads to XSS(CVE-2016-3212) by Masato Kinugawa
Youtube XSS by fransrosen
Best Google XSS again – by Krzysztof Kotowicz
IE & Edge URL parsin Problem – by detectify
SQL injection, is a common attack vector that uses malicious SQL code for backend database manipulation to access information that was not intended to be displayed.
References to read: > > > >
Some POCs:
SQL Injection Vulnerability nutanix by Muhammad Khizer Javed
Yahoo – Root Access SQL Injection – by Brett Buerhaus
Multiple vulnerabilities in a WordPress plugin at by Abood Nour (syndr0me)
GitHub Enterprise SQL Injection by Orange
SQL Injection on by Orange Tsai
In RCE an attacker’s able to execute arbitrary commands or code on a target machine or in a target Machine.
References to read: > >
Some POCs:
How we broke PHP, hacked Pornhub and earned $20,000 by Ruslan Habalov
Alert, God-like Write-up, make sure you know what is ROP before clicking, which I don’t =(
RCE deal to tricky file upload by secgeek
WordPress SOME bug in plupload.flash.swf leading to RCE in Automatic by Cure53 (cure53)
Read-Only user can execute arbitraty shell commands on AirOS by 93c08539 (93c08539)
Remote Code Execution by impage upload! by Raz0r (ru_raz0r)
Popping a shell on the Oculus developer portal by Bitquark
PayPal Node.js code injection (RCE) by Michael Stepankin
Command Injection Vulnerability in Hostinger by @alberto__segura
RCE in Airbnb by Ruby Injection by buerRCE
RCE in by abusing out dated software by Orange Tsai
$20k RCE in Jenkin Instance by @nahamsec
JDWP Remote Code Execution in PayPal by Milan A Solanki
How I Hacked Facebook, and Found Someone’s Backdoor Script by Orange Tsai may RCE by Flask Jinja2 Template Injection by Orange Tsai
Yahoo Bug Bounty – * Remote Code Execution by Orange Tsai (in Chinese)
Google App Engine RCE by Ezequiel Pereira
Exploting ImageMagick to get RCE on HackerOne by c666a323be94d57
Trello bug bounty: Access server’s files using ImageTragick by Florian Courtial
Microsoft Apache Solr RCE Velocity Template By Muhammad Khizer Javed
In IDOR an application provides direct access to objects based on the user-supplied input. As a result of this vulnerability, attackers can bypass authorization and access resources in the system directly.
References to read: > > >
Some POCs:
DOB disclosed using “Facebook Graph API Reverse Engineering” by Raja Sekar Durairaj
Response To Request Injection (RTRI) by ?, be honest, thanks to this article, I have found quite a few bugs because of using his method, respect to the author!
Leak of all project names and all user names , even across applications on Harvest by Edgar Boda-Majer (eboda)
Changing paymentProfileUuid when booking a trip allows free rides at Uber by Matthew Temmy (temmyscript)
Hacking Facebook’s Legacy API, Part 1: Making Calls on Behalf of Any User by Stephen Sclafani
Hacking Facebook’s Legacy API, Part 2: Stealing User Sessions by Stephen Sclafani
Facebook Page Takeover by Manipulating the Parameter by arunsureshkumar
IDOR tweet as any user by kedrisec
Change any user’s password in Uber by mongo
Vulnerability in Youtube allowed moving comments from any video to another by secgeek
It’s Google Vulnerability, so it’s worth reading, as generally it is more difficult to find Google vulnerability Remote Password Reset by Yaaser Ali
How I could change your eBay password by Yaaser Ali
Hacking Posting on behalf of your friends! by Anand Prakash
All Vimeo Private videos disclosure via Authorization Bypass with Excellent Technical Description by Enguerran Gillier (opnsec)
Urgent: attacker can access every data source on Bime by Jobert Abma (jobert)
Downloading password protected / restricted videos on Vimeo by Gazza (gazza)
Get organization info base on uuid in Uber by Severus (severus)
As in name unrestricted file upload allows user to upload malicious file to a system to further exploit to for Code execution
References to read: > > >
Some POCs:
File Upload XSS in image uploading of App in mopub by vijay kumar
RCE deal to tricky file upload by secgeek
File Upload XSS in image uploading of App in mopub in Twitter by vijay kumar (vijay_kumar1110)
Unrestricted File Upload to RCE by Muhammad Khizer Javed
XXE is an attack against an application that parses XML input. This attack occurs when XML input containing a reference to an external entity is processed by a weakly configured XML parser.
References to read: > > >
Some POCs:
Blind OOB XXE At UBER 26+ Domains Hacked by Raghav Bisht
The File Inclusion vulnerability allows an attacker to include a file, usually exploiting a “dynamic file inclusion” mechanisms implemented in the target application. The vulnerability occurs due to the use of user-supplied input without proper validation.
References to read: > > >
Some POCs:
A process of registering a non-existing domain name to gain control over another domain.
References to read: > > >
Some POCs:
Slack Bug Journey – by David Vieira-Kurz
Subdomain takeover and chain it to perform authentication bypass by Arne Swinnen
UBER Wildcard Subdomain Takeover by Muhammad Khizer Javed
Lamborghini Subdomain Takeover Through Expired Cloudfront Distribution by Muhammad Khizer Javed
Subdomain Takeover via Unsecured S3 Bucket Connected to the Website by Muhammad khizer Javed
by SSRF the attacker can abuse functionality on the server to read or update internal resources.
References to read: > > > >
Some POCs:
ESEA Server-Side Request Forgery and Querying AWS Meta Data by Brett Buerhaus
SSRF by using third party Open redirect by Brett BUERHAUS
Some Other Interesting POCs: A huge collection at
Java Deserialization in by Michael Stepankin
Instagram’s Million Dollar Bug by Wesley Wineberg
(Ruby Cookie Deserialization RCE on by Michiel Prins (michiel)
Java deserialization by meals
Race conditions on Facebook, DigitalOcean and others (fixed) by Josip Franjković
Race Conditions in Popular reports feature in HackerOne by Fábio Pires (shmoo)
Facebook simple technical hack to see the timeline by Ashish Padelkar
How I Could Steal Money from Instagram, Google and Microsoft by Arne Swinnen
Facebook – bypass ads account’s roles vulnerability 2015 by POUYA DARABI
Uber Ride for Free by anand praka
OneLogin authentication bypass on WordPress sites via XMLRPC in Uber by Jouko Pynnönen (jouko)
2FA PayPal Bypass by henryhoggard
[](Administrative Panel Access) by c0rni3sm
User Account Takeover via Signup by Muhammad Khizer Javed
Twitter Overflow Trilogy in Twitter by filedescriptor
Twitter CRLF by filedescriptor
$10k host header by Ezequiel Pereira
Slack Yammer Takeover by using TicketTrick by Inti De Ceukelaire
NoSQL Injection by websecurify
Mongo DB Injection again by websecrify
Improper Input Validation | Add Custom Text and URLs In SMS send by Snapchat By Muhammad Khizer Javed
Exploiting Insecure Firebase Database! By Muhammad Khizer Javed
Using Inspect Element to Bypass Security restrictions By Muhammad Khizer Javed
Hacking SMS API Service Provider of a Company |Android App Static Security Analysis By Muhammad Khizer Javed
How Our Co-Founder Earned $10.6K in just 10 Hours By Tensecure Systems
So these were some common issues that one should get a grip on and learn more and more about Following is a list of some Attacks Topics that You Should do some research and read the Blogs/reports on them.
XPATH Injection You’ll find a lot more write-ups at
Lets get towards Blogs! There are plenty of blogs Shared by Hackers on daily basis that you can read to learn more and more…
These are some Of the Websites That I like to Visit regularly to b updated and Read Their Articles………. There are Plenty of Other Blogs, Websites That are Missing from This List so be sure to add them In comments.
Now Lets get Towards YouTube Channel Links… These Channels are Shared By Hackers where They Upload their Video POCs.. Watching them u can actually understand how to demonstrate these type of attacks ……………………………………………………………………………… Any Channel Link Missing? Kindly add it in Comments
Another advice…… Regularly follow to b updated with HackerOne Public Bug reports You can learn alot from them
Alternatively, You can Join Slack Community for Hackers
dnscan Knockpy Sublist3r massdns nmap masscan EyeWitness DirBuster dirsearch Gitrob git-secrets sandcastle bucket_finder GoogD0rker Wayback Machine waybackurls Sn1per XRay wfuzz patator datasploit hydra changeme MobSF Apktool dex2jar sqlmap oxml_xxe XXE Injector The JSON Web Token Toolkit
Playing with JSON Web Tokens for Fun and Profit ground-control ssrfDetector LFISuit GitTools dvcs-ripper tko-subs HostileSubBruteforcer Race the Web ysoserial PHPGGC CORStest retire-js getsploit Findsploit bfac WPScan CMSMap Amass Any Import Tool Missing Add in comments…
This was as much as I can think about sharing with you guys related to Web app Security in tools and vulns i have added a few things about mobile apps but the following sections contain some references you should definitely go through if you gonna join the mobile app security gang as well.
So hello to Mobile App Security section now let me clear this first i’m a complete noob at this section so it won’t be as detailed as the web app one.
Now The best and the very first thing I would suggest is to actually learn about the development phase of an app mainly my focus is Android APPs ( doesn’t necessarily mean that you should go for learning to develop an android but at least get to know. For this, You can go through the following Android App development tools. (My suggestion is you should actually give basic time to these) Android SDK ~ The Android software development kit (SDK) includes a comprehensive set of development tools. These include a debugger, libraries, a handset emulator based on QEMU, documentation, sample code, and tutorials ADT Bundle ~ The Android Developer Tools(ADT) bundle is a single download that contains everything for developers to start creating Android Application Root Tools ~ RootTools provides rooted developers with a standardized set of tools for use in the development of rooted applications.
Now if you have gone through them let’s get towards Mobile app security vulnerabilities For this I’ll suggest you first go towards OWASP Mobile Top 10 Giving them a good overview will definitely worth it. I’ll also Highly suggest these two Books specifically for Android & IOS app testing The Mobile Application Hacker’s Handbook iOS Application Security: The Definitive Guide for Hackers and Developers
For Mobile Applications, I’ll share Two of the Best places I’m currently following to learn and I would highly recommend you guys to have a look at them and giving them a proper read will definitely help you
Application Security Wiki:
Application Security Wiki is an initiative to provide all Application security-related resources to Security Researchers and developers in one place.
Learn IOS Security:
IOS Security Guide to learn and test by Prateek
Learning Penetration Testing of Android Applications
Mobile Application Penetration Testing Cheat Sheets
The Mobile App Pentest cheat sheet
Mobile penetration testing android command cheatsheet
Getting Started in Android Apps Pen-testing
Summing up Phase #02 of this blog I think by following these resources at and giving them good time one can get pretty good at Bug Hunting. Here are some Websites or Places where you can play CTF Challenges and practice the skills that you have learned.
Hacker 101
Hack the box
OvertheWire wargames
Troy Hunt “Hack Yourself First”
Penetration Testing Practice Labs
Bug Bounty Hunter
I saw a few friends of mine shared some really interesting and important tools, & resources so I decided to add them here as well because I’m giving some good time to them nowadays.
Tools used for Penetration testing / Red Teaming.
List-pentest-tools: A curated list of network penetration testing tools.
Password lists for use in penetration testing situations, broken up by TLD.
Penetration tests cases, resources and guidelines.
Penetration Testing notes, resources and scripts
A collection of hacking / penetration testing resources to make you better!
Collection of OSCP study material && tools.
Kali Linux Offensive Security Certified Professional Survival Exam Guide
Penetration Testing / OSCP Biggest Reference Bank / Cheatsheet
An archive of everything related to OSCP
OSCP Cheatsheets, Pentesting / Red Teaming Tools and Techniques
How to prepare for OSCP complete guide
OSCP All Tools are Here …!! Courses at